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Zachris Stierncreutz eli Knipi

Licence Pricing and Invoicing

Find the right licence

Composer-arranger Knipi Stierncreutz
Member of Teosto since 1993

The amount of royalties paid for the use of music, that is the price of the different licences, is based on the significance of music in the user’s activities: the amount of royalties, or the price, is higher if the music is a central and significant part of your activities and lower if you play music as background music for your actual activities.

The invoicing schedule for Teosto licences varies: some licences are invoiced for once a month, some four times a year or only once a year. VAT at the current rate is added to the prices of the licences.

You can choose whether you want to receive your invoice as an e-invoice, by email or by post as a paper invoice. E-invoices and email invoices are secure, quick and environmentally friendly ways to receive invoices. They are also more financially sustainable than paper invoices, as an invoicing surcharge will be added for paper invoices in the future.

More information about e-invoices can be found on, for example, the website of TIEKE (Finnish Information Society Development Centre)If you would like to start using e-invoicing, please sign an agreement with the e-invoice operator of your choice and inform us your of your EDI ID.

To change invoicing method, proceed as follows:

  • Send us an e-mail according to your licence
  • State in the e-mail that you would like to change the invoicing method
  • Attach needed information in accordance with your choice of new method

Please note that the change will apply to all invoices you receive from us for different licences.

Submit or change your invoice reference number, PO number or contact person name as follows:

  • Contact us by e-mail
  • Please provide as much detail as possible about what information you are submitting or want to change

The amount of royalties paid for the use of music, i.e. the price of the licence, is based on the significance of the music in the user’s activities: the amount is higher if the music is a central and significant part of your activities and lower if you play music as background music.

Our price lists are public and can be found on the pages for each licence.

For events, the price of licences depends on, for example, the number of gigs, attendance or proceeds from ticket sales.

In online use, the licence price is affected by, for example, the method of music use and the amount of music or the music profile of the service (low or high music) and the turnover of the service.

For radio, TV and major platforms (e.g. Spotify, Netflix, YouTube), the terms and conditions of music use and the prices are negotiated separately.

If the rightholders of the music – i.e. composers, lyricists and music publishers – self-administer the rights to use their music, they will also set the price for the use of their music themselves.

In 2024, 10% VAT will be added to the prices of Teosto’s music licences.

You can also influence the price of licences for events yourself. You will receive a 3% discount on your invoice if you submit the information required for invoicing for gigs, concerts and other events in our web service in accordance with the licence terms. If, on the other hand, you do not submit the information in accordance with the terms, you will receive an estimated invoice, the amount of which is usually significantly higher than that of an invoice based on the actual information submitted.

You can find instructions on how to submit event information under the licences that include the obligation to submit information. These licences include:

  • Event license
  • Restaurant fixed licence, live
  • Restaurant fixed licence, recording
  • Restaurant percentage licence, live
  • Restaurant percentage licence, recording

However, if you receive an estimated invoice, you can have it corrected by submitting to us the correct, actual details of the event.

The fixed and percentage licences for restaurants and event licences include an obligation to report details of events organised with the licence monthly in our web service.

For restaurant licences, the details must be submitted no later than on the 15th of the following month. For event licences, the details must be submitted no later than two weeks after the event was held, and for multi-day festivals, no later than 30 days after the event.

If you do not submit the information on time or at all, you will receive an estimated bill for the use of music during the event, the amount of which is usually significantly higher than that of an invoice based on the actual information submitted. 

You can correct the estimated invoice you receive yourself. Log in to our web service and submit and confirm the requested information for your events. Once we have received the information, you will receive a credit note for the estimated invoice and a new invoice for the events you have held, based on the actual information you have provided about the event. We will also refund the negligence penalty charge stated in the estimated invoice.

Please submit and confirm the details of your events on our web service as follows:

  • Log in to the web service with your login credentials at or click the E-Services button in the top right corner of our website.
  • Submit the event details according to the instructions in the web service.

I don’t have login credentials for the web service – how do I get them?

If you have not yet applied for login credentials for our web service, you can get them from our customer service.

If you have not held the event for which you received an estimated invoice

Please contact our customer service by phone, and we will remove the event from your information and refund you for the estimated invoice.

In January of each year, will carry out adjustment invoicing. This means we check whether your estimate at the time of buying the licence of the number of events to be held throughout the year matches the monthly number of events you confirmed to us.

The licences that can be adjusted are:

  • Restaurant fixed licence, live
  • Restaurant fixed licence, recording
  • Restaurant percentage licence, live
  • Restaurant percentage licence, recording

The pricing of restaurant licences is based on the audience capacity of the venue and the number of events held during the year. For fixed licences, the unit price for each event is set in accordance with the price list. For percentage licences, the price list determines the royalty percentage to be paid on the ticket revenue for each event.

When you buy the licence, you provide us with an estimate of the number of events you will hold throughout the year. The price per event for your music licence is determined on the basis of your estimate (price list categories XS–L).

In accordance with the terms of the licence, you must submit and confirm information about the events you organise in our web service (such as the number of events, performer, ticket revenue information and other information).

After the year has ended, we will check in the January of the following year whether your estimate of the number of events at the time of buying the licence matched the number of events you reported to us monthly.

The final price per event will be determined on the basis of the number of events you have reported and confirmed to us in the web service.

If the number of events you estimated at the time of buying the licence and the number of events you reported and confirmed in the web service differ so much that the price category of the licence and, therefore, the price per event change, you will receive an adjustment invoice (either a credit note or an additional invoice) for the previous year.

You can always submit and confirm the year’s event information until the 15th of January of the following year, after which we will carry out adjustment invoicing.

If you have not submitted and confirmed the event information for every month of the year

  • If you have not submitted and confirmed the event information for one or more months, and instead have one or more estimated invoices, the invoiced number of events for that month will be used when the number of events held during the entire year is calculated.
  • The negligence penalty charge for the months with estimated invoices will also remain in effect.

Minimum price if you held fewer than ten events

  • The fixed and percentage licences for restaurants have a minimum price: the price for ten events, which is determined on the basis of the number of guest seats in the restaurant.
  • The minimum price will always be invoiced for if the licence is valid, so your adjustment invoice amount is at least the price of ten events, unless you make changes to your licence well before the end of the year.
  • The minimum price will be invoiced for even if you have reported and confirmed on the web service each month that you have not held any events during the year.
  • The easiest way to make changes to your licence is to contact our customer service by phone.

Price category for each new starting year

  • The estimated number of events per year, which will be recorded every January, is always the number of events held during the previous year. The invoicing will be carried out using the corresponding price category (XS–L).
  • If necessary, you can change the number of events on your licence by contacting our customer service.

Restaurant licences have a minimum price and minimum invoicing

  • The annual licences and fixed and percentage licences for restaurants have a minimum price: the price for ten events, which is determined on the basis of the number of guest seats in the restaurant.
  • The minimum price will always be invoiced for if the licence is valid, so your adjustment invoice amount is at least the price of ten events, unless you make changes to your licence well before the end of the year.
  • The minimum price will be invoiced for even if you have reported and confirmed on the web service each month that you have not held any events during the year.
  • The easiest way to make changes to your licence is to contact our customer service by phone.

Payment reminders and debt collection are handled by Intrum on our behalf. If you have received a payment reminder from Intrum, please contact their customer service regarding payment plans and payment schedules. The contact details can be found in the email sent by Intrum.

If you have any questions about the contents of the original invoice (what is being invoiced for, how the licence price has been calculated), you can contact our customer service.

A licence, i.e. a music use agreement, can only be in the name of one operator. If, for example, there are several different organisers for an event or occasion, the organisers must agree with each other on who will apply for the music licence, i.e. in whose name the agreement will be and who will pay the invoice issued by Teosto.

The person applying for a licence for a company, association or other entity must have the authority to apply for a licence (the apparent authority given by the employment relationship is sufficient, authority to sign for an organisation is not required). Private individuals applying for a licence must be at least 18 years old.

In most cases, Teosto licences are valid until further notice, with a notice period of one month.

If the music author or music publisher themselves grants the licence to use the music, i.e. self-administers the rights to the music, the terms and prices for the use of the music must be agreed directly with the author or, in the case of published music, with the music publisher. They will also carry out the invoicing for the royalties on the use of music.

You must always ask the author or publisher for a licence to use the music if

  • the music is to be used for commercial purposes (for example advertisements, sponsorships, commercial cooperation)
  • the music is to be used as an identifier (for example theme music, team song)
  • the music is to be used in a political, religious, or pornographic context.

You can ask our customer service for the details of music authors. You can see whether or not the music has a publisher by checking the label or cover information on a physical recording (e.g. a CD or a vinyl record) or the author information on streaming services, for example.

If the music is published, you can find the publishers’ contact details on the Finnish Music Publishers Association website. If necessary, you can also ask for publisher information and contact details for publishers from our customer service.

A license granted by the rightholders for the use of music is only valid for the stated use and for the stated duration. It is also advisable to make a written agreement on licences granted by rightholders, in which the terms and price of the licence are agreed as precisely as possible.

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