Join Teosto
We take care of you and your music.
Composer-lyricist Chisu
Member of Teosto since 2001
Join us if you want to be part of Finland’s largest music authors’ community. As a member of Teosto, you get to use our wide variety of services!
You can become a member when you have at least one composition, set of lyrics, arrangement or translation that has been performed publicly or recorded as an audio or AV recording.

If you are over 18 and have Finnish online banking credentials or a mobile ID you can become a member online. Note! The bank identification process is currently available only in Finnish.

If you do not have Finnish online banking credentials or a mobile ID or you are under 18 years old, you can order the documents needed to conclude a membership.

Your business should join Teosto if publishing music is part of your regular activity. We will handle financial rights related to the use of your work, on your behalf.
For a one-time fee, you get access to all our services:
The membership fee is a one-time fee of EUR 125,5 (EUR 100 + VAT 25,5%). There are no annual fees. The membership fee will not be refunded if you terminate your membership.
When should you join Teosto?
As a new member, you might be interested to know how often your music needs to be performed publicly to make up for the one-time membership fee (125,5 euros). Here are some examples, assuming that the full work is played, its duration is at least three minutes, and the same author is both the composer and lyricist.
- 5 repeats on Yle’s national radio channels, such as Yle Radio Suomi, Yle Radio1 or YleX
- 50 repeats on a national commercial radio channels
- 250 repeats on local commercial radio
- 2-3 performances on Yle’s TV channel
- 25 performances on a commercial TV channel
- 100 concerts at a small club or pub or
- 2-3 concerts in a concert hall or at a stadium
Our membership agreement is flexible
When you become a member of Teosto, you grant us the right to represent you and your works. However, you can choose the extent to which you want us to administer your rights. You can limit the authorisation given to Teosto to only cover certain rights, countries or geographical areas. You can also adjust your membership agreement after joining Teosto.
In such cases, it is a matter of self-administering. Self-administration means that you personally negotiate the use of your music and Teosto will not collect or pay remunerations for works or music use limited by self-administration. If you are self-administering your music, you must take care of these matters:
- Personally negotiating the conditions and remuneration for the use of your music
- Invoicing the royalties when your music is used
- Notifying Teosto of each case of self-administration or granting of licenses
Information on Teosto’s membership agreement
You can find the membership agreement in the Forms-section.
- submit notifications on all of your works (compositions, lyrics and arrangements) to enable Teosto to sell licenses for your works and distribute your remunerations
- grant Teosto the right to oversee the economic rights related to the use of your music in your selected categories of rights and geographical areas
- immediately inform Teosto of any and all changes in your personal data and contact information
- you can update address and contact information in the web service
- in case of a name change, use the secure Turvaposti e-mail in https://turvaposti.fi/viesti/omateosto@teosto.fi to notify us of your new name. Title your form as Name change and attach a copy of a document with your new name: a photo of a passport, photo ID card or certificate of change of name. NOTE! After sending the form, you will receive an e-mail from turvaposti@turvaposti.fi with the subject “Vahvista turvapostin toimitus“. Confirm the delivery of the form by clicking the link in the e-mail.
- upon request to submit to Teosto a score or a recording or another corresponding copy of your work
- submit to Teosto an accurate performance notification if you perform live music in a concert, at a gig or in similar events
- collect information on the use of your music on radio and television, in web services, in concerts and events, etc. in terms of the categories of rights and geographical areas you have included under our administration
- ensure you receive the correct amount of royalties for any performance and reproduction of your music in the categories of rights and geographical areas you have included under our administration
- supervise your interests to improve the prerequisites for creative work and your chances of success
- works you have produced before concluding the agreement and becoming a member
- works you produce after concluding the agreement and becoming a member
- game music
- grand rights, in other words the performance of original music composed for a stage piece (such as opera or ballet) in its stage context
- music of stage pieces that are composed of small right works (so-called interpolated music), provided that you have a publisher and certain criteria set by the publishers (in Finnish) on the use of music are met
- the rights or geographical areas you exclude from Teosto for self-administration
- intensive use of music (for example team songs or theme music)
- use of music in commercials, trailers or promotions
- use of music in films, short films or documents intended for cinema distribution
- use of music in drama series aired outside Nordic countries
In such cases, only you, or your publisher if you have one, can grant the licence to use your music. You or your publisher also negotiate the royalties.
*The use of music is intensive, for example, when an event, phenomenon, product or work of art is so intrinsically built upon the use of a particular musical work(s) that the musical work or its author (person) becomes associated with the event, phenomenon, product or work of art in which the music is used. Examples of intensive use of music include sports team songs, or theme music for companies, products or services.
When your membership agreement is valid, you can whenever
- add rights or geographical areas to be administered by Teosto
- withdraw rights or geographical areas from Teosto’s administration by issuing a notification of self-administration
The granting of administration rights for new categories of rights, area, works or production takes effect when we have registered your notification.
You can whenever partially terminate your contract by
- withdrawing categories of rights from Teosto’s administration
- withdrawing geographical areas from Teosto’s administration
Partial termination must be done in writing.You cannot partially terminate the agreement if you have outstanding debts to Teosto (for example, advance payments that have not yet been repaid).
Terminations will take effect twice a year:
- Changes notified between 1 January and 30 June take effect on 30 June
- Changes notified between 1 July and 31 December take effect on 31 December
Your membership agreement with Teosto is valid until
- the term of protection of your works expires
- you or Teosto terminate the membership agreement in writing, in which case the agreement will expire on the date of termination which is closest to the date on which the notice of termination takes effect.
Terminations will take effect twice a year:
- Changes notified between 1 January and 30 June take effect on 30 June
- Changes notified between 1 July and 31 December take effect on 31 December
The Teosto Board of Directors may, for good cause shown by the member, decide on a different date for the termination to take effect.
You cannot terminate the agreement if you have outstanding debts to Teosto (for example, advance payments that have not yet been repaid).
You can find the Kopiosto Grant of Rights document (PDF) on the Forms page.