Report Live Performances
How to Submit a Performance NotificationPaying copyright royalties to music authors requires that we know whose music and which songs are performed at gigs and concerts. On the basis of performance reports, we pay copyright royalties to the composers, lyricists, arrangers and publishers whose music has been performed.
Which performances require reporting?
- Artists, bands, orchestras, choirs and others performing music must submit performance notifications of their gigs and concerts. Reporting performances is especially important if you perform covers. Many composers, lyricists and arrangers do not perform their works themselves, meaning their royalties are dependent on the performance notifications by others.
- You should also submit performance notifications if you perform your own music. This way, you will receive copyright royalties for your own performances as well.
- Performance notifications must also be submitted for events organised by businesses or organisations for their staff or customers. They are not considered private events but invitations only events.
Which performances do not require reporting?
- Performance notifications do not need to be submitted for events with close friends and family, such as weddings, christenings, funerals, or birthday and graduation parties. They do not require a music licence, so royalties are not collected for such events.
- Performance notifications do not need to be submitted for when your music is played on a Finnish TV or radio channel or a Finnish online service. We receive performance reports directly form the channels and service providers.
Login credentials for the web service
If you do not have login credentials for our web service yet, you can get them by identifying with Finnish online banking credentials or a mobile ID. If you do not have either, please contact our customer service to order credentials. Receiving login credentials for a performer does not require being a member of Teosto.
- If you are a foreign performer playing in Finland, you can submit performance notifications using our Music Report form.
- If you are already a member of Teosto but do not have access to the Performances section in the web service, you have only selected the role of a music author when joining Teosto. You can add the role of a performer by identifying with Finnish online banking credentials or a mobile ID through the Get login credentials for a performer link below and changing your role to Author and performer.
Report your performances in time
Please make sure that you submit performance notifications for performances in Finland and abroad by the following deadlines. We cannot process late notifications.
Performance date | Performance notification must be submitted by |
1.1. – 31.3. | 30.4. |
1.4. – 30.6. | 31.8. |
1.7. – 30.9. | 31.10. |
1.10. – 31.12. | 31.1. of the following year |
Performance notifications for performances in Finland
In performance notifications, you report the date of the performance, the venue, the organiser of the event and the works you have performed. Please submit your performance notifications as soon as possible after the performance, as it takes some time to process the notifications and invoice for the royalties.
In order to ensure a smooth and fast distribution of royalties, please make sure you enter the correct organiser details. The responsible organiser of the event may not be the concert hall or restaurant where the performance takes place, but they may simply have rented the space for the performance. One of the responsibilities of the responsible organiser is to obtain and pay for a music licence for their event to Teosto. The person you have made the performance contract with usually knows who the responsible organiser of the event is.
Performance notifications for performances abroad
Your own live performances
If you have performed abroad at a gig or a concert, submit the related performance notification in the web service on the same page where you submit domestic performance notifications. Submit the performance notification as soon as possible after the performance. For your own performances, ensure that the foreign event organiser provides the event information to the local copyright organisation. You can ensure this in connection with the performance contract, for example. If a foreign event organiser asks you to submit a foreign performance notification on site, you should nevertheless submit a performance notification in Teosto’s web service, too.
Performance notifications on performances abroad will be shown in the Closed status as soon as you have submitted the performance notification. This is because we forward, as quickly as possible, the performance notifications submitted in the web service to the foreign copyright organisations with which we have signed reciprocal representation agreements. Based on the agreements, foreign organisations collect royalties for the music authors and composers who are members of Teosto and pass them on to us so that we can pay them to you.
Live performances by others
Also submit a performance notification in the web service if someone else has performed your music abroad at a gig or a concert. For example, a composer can submit a performance notification for a foreign orchestra performance of their work. In the performance notification, select Additional information on the performance abroad: My works have been performed abroad by another artist or orchestra and, in addition to other information, also enter Performer name.
We forward the performance notifications submitted in the web service to the foreign copyright organisations with which we have signed reciprocal representation agreements. Based on the agreements, foreign organisations collect royalties for the music authors and composers who are members of Teosto and pass them on to us so that we can pay them to you.
Radio, TV and online performances abroad
For radio, TV and online performances abroad, no performance notification via the web service is needed. Instead, you must submit a claim for them. Instructions can be found on the Claims page.