Customer service info
In urgent matters, you can reach us quickest by phone on +358 40 922 66 22* (select 1). Our telephone service is open Mon – Thu from 10 AM to 2 PM
* the fee for calling the number is the local network rate or mobile charge based on the caller’s own phone subscription.
Customer service phone closed on Fridays in March
Our customer service is currently experiencing some backlog caused by sickness absences. We aim to clear the backlog in March, and in order to get things processed as quickly as possible, the customer service phone number will be closed on Fridays in March, so that all customer service agents can focus on the cases at hand.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Our phone service will be closed on the following days. At other times, we will be serving normally from Monday to Friday, between 10 AM and 2 PM.
- February 17th – Phone service closed
- February 18th – Phone service closed
- April 18th – Good Friday
- April 21st – Second Easter Day
- April 30th – May Day Eve
- May 1st – May Day
- May 29th – Ascension
- June 20th – Midsummer Eve
- December 6th – Independence Day
- December 24th – Christmas Eve
- December 25th – Christmas Day
- December 26th – Boxing Day
- December 31st – New Year’s Eve
Music creator: keep in mind that you can take care of the following things in our online service without queuing
- Submit work notifications, i.e. register your new works in an international database of works
- Make a complaint if you notice an error in the payment made to you
- Add your revised tax info for withholding taxes on royalties
- If necessary, change your account number
- Make changes to the announcement of works (only unpublished works)
- See breakdowns of your distributions: how much and for what period you have received royalties
- In the general work search, browse your own and others’ works and their author information
- Take your works into self-administration
- Report live and livestreamed performances of your works in Finland and abroad (gigs, concerts, other events)