Instructions for Choirs
Choirs must submit performance notifications for their performances, i.e. report the information about the music performed at the event.
In addition to performing at events organised by others, many choirs also organise concerts and events themselves. If the choir is the organising party, you must also buy a licence that is appropriate for the nature of the event. Below, you will find instructions on the most common situations among choirs.
When the choir itself organises an live concert, event or other performance
- The choir must get a music licence
- The choir must submit a performance notification
The choirs themselves must get a music licence when the choir is the party organising an event or concert where the choir itself or someone else performs music. The need for a licence is usually met by Teosto’s Event Licence. Event Licence is a continuous music use agreement that is also suitable for choirs organising concerts themselves. The price of the Event Licence is determined on the basis of the ticket revenue or attendance of the event.
The choir must submit a performance notification for the music they perform at the event and ensure that any other performers also submit a performance notification. If the choir itself is the organiser of the event and the applicant for the event licence, you can make a performance notification in our web service by reporting the performed works when submitting the event information. Performance notifications can also be submitted in the web service in the role of a performer.
Once you have applied for the Event Licence, you will receive an agreement confirmation and your login credentials for our web service by email. In the web service, you can submit information about events organised using Event Licence. The event information to be reported includes the following:
- the date of the event
- the name of the event and the choir organising it and
- the event’s ticket revenue (or proceeds from programme sales) or
- the attendance of a free event
The information must be submitted to us no later than 14 days after each event. If you submit the information required for invoicing the event no later than 14 days after the event, you will receive a 3% notification discount on the price of the licence.
If the choir itself is the organiser of the event and the applicant for the Event Licence, you can submit a performance notification in our web service either when submitting the event information or when using the service in the role of a performer.
You can submit the information about the works performed in the same notification that you are using to submit the event information. Attach a list of the works performed to the event notification as, for example, a PDF or JPG file. Another option is to submit a separate performance notification in the role of a performer. You can get login credentials for a performer by logging in to the web service with your online banking credentials or mobile certificate.
When the choir organises a live-streamed concert, event or other performance or publishes a video
- The choir must get a music streaming licence (Minor Media Licence or Live Streaming Licence)
- The choir must submit a performance notification
As a rule, you always need a licence to use music online. Free live streams on platforms licensed by Teosto – such as YouTube, Facebook, TikTok and Instagram – are an exception to this rule. Teosto has concluded agreements with the above-mentioned platforms on performing right royalties for music, so there is no need to get a separate licence for live streaming on these platforms.
However, you must get a licence for live streams on platforms not licensed by Teosto. Likewise, a licence is always required if a recording of the live stream is to be left on any platform for later viewing or if the viewing of the live stream or recording is subject to a fee.
The licence required for live streaming on platforms not licensed by Teosto and for free recordings is Minor Media Licence. The licence required for paid live streams and recordings is Live Streaming Licence.
Live Streaming Licence is also required for free live streams in the following situations:
- The live stream has more than 2,000 viewers.
- The live streaming takes place on a platform that is not licensed by Teosto. The licensed platforms include YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
Minor Media Licence does not require reporting invoicing information for the event. The words ‘no reporting’ on the separate pages of the licences for Minor Media Licences and licences for smaller in-person events mean that the organiser of free live-streamed events does not need to report any information about events live streamed or organised using the licence in question.
For events organised using Live Streaming Licence, you must always submit both the event information and the music-related information using the reporting form attached to the licence.
A performance notification must be submitted for events organised using a Minor Media Licence or a Live Streaming Licence if the live stream includes copyright-protected music. Performance notifications must be submitted for both free and paid live streams.
You can submit a performance notification for an event organised using Minor Media Licence in the role of a performer in our web service. You can get login credentials for a performer by logging in to the web service with your online banking credentials or mobile certificate.
The information about the music performed during an event organised using Live Streaming Licence must be submitted using the reporting form attached to the licence.
When the choir performs at an in-person event organised by someone else
- The event organiser must get a music licence
- The choir must submit a performance notification
When the choir performs at an event organised by someone else, such as a company or association Christmas party, a summer party, a gig, a concert or other event, the required music licence will be obtained by the event organiser. However, the choir must submit a performance notification for the works it performs.
You can submit a performance notification in our web service. You will need performer login credentials to submit a performance notification. You can get login credentials for a performer by logging in to the web service with your online banking credentials or mobile certificate. You do not need to be a Teosto customer to get login credentials for a performer.
Submitting a performance notification is free of charge for the performer and does not increase or decrease the price of the music licence. It is only through performance notifications that the music royalties paid by the event organiser can be distributed correctly to the music authors and publishers whose music was performed at the event.
Questions and answers
The following information is reported in the performance notification:
- the date of the performance
- the name of venue
- the name of the event organiser
- the name of the performer
- the performed works and their durations
- the authors of the works
It is possible to create lists in advance of the songs in the choir’s repertoire in the web service, which makes it easy to submit performance notifications after performances.
The performance notification must include all of the works performed, including public domain works that are not protected by copyright and works that are self-administered by the composer or music publisher.
Public domain works are works whose author is not a member of any copyright society or works whose authors all died more than 70 years ago.
You can submit a performance notification immediately after the event. However, there are strict deadlines for the performance notifications for performances that have taken place in Finland and performances that have taken place abroad.
The royalties paid for concerts, gigs and other live music events are an important source of income for music authors and publishers. Many composers and lyricists do not perform their own music, which means that their income depends on whether the performers of the music they compose, write lyrics for or arrange submit performance notifications.
To be able to pay royalties, we need information about the music that has been performed and its authors. Information about the music performed is best obtained from the performer – in this case, the choir.
Royalties are distributed and paid to music authors and publishers by combining the ticket revenue or attendance information submitted by the event organiser with the information provided in the performance notifications about the works performed at the event and their authors.
In order for the information to be combined, it is important that the name of the event organiser and the date of the event are correct in the performance notifications and that the author information for the works performed is as accurate as possible. Accurate author information is particularly important if several different versions of the work, such as new arrangements, have been made.
There is no need to submit performance notifications for private events for family or friends (for example weddings, birthdays, graduation parties).