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Event Licence

Purpose of the licence

  • The licence is suitable for companies, corporations, societies or private individuals who organise events that include music.
  • According to your choice, the licence gives you the right to live music, recorded music and karaoke at non-recurring events of all sizes, such as concerts, festivals, shows, exhibitions and fairs. 
  • The licence is required for both free events and events subject to a charge. 
  • The licence includes music use rights represented by both Teosto and Gramex. No separate Gramex licence is needed. All you need to do is to indicate in the event notification whether there has been live music, karaoke, DJ or background music in the event.

Licence application and pricing

  • You only apply for the licence only once. The licence must be terminated separately, such as when the company’s operations have ceased. Otherwise, the licence is valid until further notice.
  • Even though the Event Licence is valid until further notice, please note that the licence holder must submit a notification for each event separately in Teosto’s web service.
  • The price for each event is specified on the basis of the notifications.
  • The price is formed when you report in our web service the information about each event: the method of music use (live, recorded or both), the proceeds from ticket sales (including the proceeds from the sale of event programmes) or the number of attendees at a free event. 
  • Performances with direct licensing: If a performer at the event performs music for which you need a licence from a party other than Teosto, inform Teosto of this without delay before the event date.  
  • Music subject to another music licence is considered as a deduction from the price charged by Teosto, provided that you have provided the information required by Teosto to determine the deduction regarding the number of performers at the event, the duration of the programme performed by them, music subject to another music licence and the royalty bases applicable to the event (for example proceeds from ticket sales). The minimum Teosto charge is EUR 140.91. 
  • The deduction is a percentage which is calculated as the ratio of the duration (in minutes) of music subject to another music licence in relation to the duration of all music performed at the event. The percentage is deducted from the total charge specified according to the royalty bases applied by Teosto to the event (for example proceeds from ticket sales for the event).   
  • Based on the information provided by you, you will receive an invoice in the web service 2–4 weeks after each event. 
  • Operators who already have a valid licence from Teosto can also obtain an Event Licence. The licence can be obtained in addition to a restaurant licence for live or recorded music, for example.

Discounts and deductions

  • You will get a 3% reporting discount on the price of the licence if you report the information required for event invoicing at the latest 14 days after the event. For multi-day festivals, you will get a 3% reporting discount if you report the information required for event invoicing at the latest 30 days of the event.
  • From the proceeds from ticket sales reported to Teosto, you may only deduct VAT and any service fee (for example delivery method fee, delivery fee or subscription fee) that the end customer sees when making a purchase and the ticket seller charges directly from the end customer. You may not make any other deductions from the proceeds from ticket sales to be reported. 

Other things to consider

  • Background music can be played at the venue before the start of the actual event and during intermissions. However, please note that this must be reported in connection with the event notification.
  • If necessary, a licence for copying music to be used at an event and using recordings intended for private use at a public event can be purchased as a separate licence from

Who is the Event Licence intended for?

Teosto’s and Gramex’s joint music licence is intended for event organisers – for example, companies, corporations, societies or private individuals – who organises a concert, a festival, a show, an exhibition, a fair or another event where music is played.

When is an Event Licence required?

The Event Licence is required if a band, an orchestra or an artist (live music) performs at the event, or if music is played at the event from a CD or DVD, a digital file or other reproduction (recorded music) or if there is karaoke at the event. The Event Licence is required for both events with an admission fee and free events as well as for events organised by companies for their personnel or customers.

How to apply for an Event Licence and how long is it valid for?

You apply for the licence from our customer service before the first event to be organised under the licence. When you receive the Event Licence and web service credentials, you enter into a continuous agreement with Teosto for using music at the events you organise. The agreement is valid until you terminate it, i.e. you have a permanent music licence for the events you organise. This means that you only apply for the licence only once.

What does an Event Licence cover?

The licence gives the right to the following methods of music use:

  • Performing live music (concerts, festivals, live gigs)
  • Playing recorded music and organising karaoke (DJ gigs, disco, karaoke, music videos)
  • Performing live music or playing recorded background music at the venue before the start of the actual event or during intermissions
    • Playing recorded music at the event
    • Playing recorded music at the event as background or interval music

However, please note that the licence only covers music acquired from legal sources (such as legitimate downloading stores).

What obligations are associated with the Event Licence?

The Event Licence entails the event organiser’s obligation to report in Teosto’s web service the information about each event they organise, i.e. the basic information of the event (event date(s), event name, organiser details and other similar information) as well as the information necessary for invoicing, i.e. proceeds from ticket sales for the event (including the proceeds from the sale of event programmes) or the number of attendees.

How is the price of the Event Licence formed and what does the licence cost?

The price for using music is determined in Teosto’s web service according to the price list and on the basis of how and what kind of music is used at the event and whether the necessary information has been reported in time. The event organiser only pays for the music used at the event organised by them.

The price of the music licence for the event is influenced by the following factors:

  • proceeds from the event (proceeds from ticket sales and/or from the sale of event programmes) or the number of attendees
  • how and what kind of music was used (live music, DJ gigs, disco, karaoke, background music)
  • whether the necessary information about the event has been reported in time

How and when do you pay for the Event Licence?

Fees for using music are invoiced approximately every two weeks. The invoices are based on the information provided by the event organiser in the web service. A 3% reporting discount is given when the information required for the invoicing of events organised under the licence is reported at the latest 14 days after the event is organised or, for multi-day festivals, at the latest 30 days after the event. If the information required for event invoicing is not reported in time, a reminder will be sent. If no information is reported at all, an estimate-based invoice will be sent.

From the proceeds from ticket sales reported to Teosto, the customer may only deduct VAT and any service fee (e.g. delivery method fee, delivery fee or subscription fee) that the end customer sees when making a purchase and the ticket seller charges directly from the end customer. You may not make any other deductions from the proceeds from ticket sales to be reported.

The Event Licence is Teosto’s and Gramex’s joint licence, but Teosto handles the practical matters related to applying for the licence and to invoicing.

See the price list below for a breakdown of Teosto and Gramex prices.

Event licence price list 2023 (pdf)

Event licence price list 2024 (pdf)

Event Licence – special terms specific to the method of use

In these special terms and conditions specific to the method of use, event refers to a single, non-recurring event organised by the customer (which may take several days) that includes the public performance of the works and/or reproductions to the audience present at the event (“Event”).

Such an event is also deemed as organised by the customer if the customer organises the event together or otherwise in cooperation with the music user or another third party. An event always has a start time, an end time and a venue that are separately reported to Teosto.

Licence content

The licence covers the public performance of music at events organised by the customer, which are held at the time reported by the customer at the venue reported by the customer. Event types are a) live music, b) recorded music, c) a concert or a festival, d) background music in an event. The licence entitles the customer to organise events until further notice (during the validity of the licence).

The licence covers only the use of works and reproductions from a legal source.

This licence also constitutes an agreement on the payment of a royalty intended for performing artists and reproduction producers to Gramex pursuant to section 47 of the Copyright Act for the public performance of reproductions at events organised by the customer.

The licence does not cover the recording of music played at the event. The licence also does not cover the playing of recorded music from a jukebox when the audience at the place where the jukebox is located pays a fee to get to hear music of their choice from the jukebox. A separate licence must be obtained for the above purposes.

The licence does not entitle its holder to use the work or reproductions in a manner that violates the moral rights of the authors of the work or performing artists as defined in the Copyright Act.

Each party may terminate the licence in writing with one (1) month’s notice.

This agreement may not be transferred to a third party without the written consent of Teosto and Gramex.

Prices and invoicing

The fee payable for the licence is specified according to the price list applicable to the event and effective at that moment and on the basis of the event type, proceeds from ticket sales or number of attendees, as reported by the customer, or any other royalty basis indicated by Teosto to the customer.

Customer’s obligation to report

Teosto has the right to obligate the customer to provide Teosto with information about the event, the venue, the royalty bases, the use of the works or the context of the use or other such information. Teosto informs the customer of such obligations or any changes to them.

Estimated invoicing

If the customer fails to provide Teosto with the information it has requested from the customer or if the information submitted by the customer to Teosto is incorrect or incomplete

Teosto has the right

  1. to estimate the royalties to be paid by the customer to Teosto for the event and invoice the customer on the basis of the estimate (estimated invoice); and
  2. additionally invoice the customer for a penalty charge specified in accordance with the price list applicable to the event and effective at that moment, either in connection with the customer’s invoice or estimated invoice for the use of the music or as a separate installment.

Order of application of the terms and conditions

In addition to these special terms and conditions specific to the method of use, use rights are subject to Teosto’s General Terms and Conditions. The order of application of the terms and conditions is as follows:

  1. Special terms and conditions specific to the method of use
  2. Teosto’s General Terms and Conditions.

Correcting the estimated invoice if you have a valid Event Licence but the event information has not been reported

  • Go to Teosto’s web service at or by clicking the E-Services button in the top right-hand corner of this website.
  • Log in to the web service with the username you received from us by email when applying for the Event Licence.
  • Give the information requested in the web service and confirm it on the summary page.

Correcting the estimated invoice if you have not yet applied for the Event Licence

  • Apply for the Event Licence from our customer service
  • Log in to the licence application service with the username you received in the first reminder we sent you (Apply for the Event Licence and report missing event information).
  • Give the information requested in the licence application service.
  • When our customer service has processed your licence application, we will send you a new, permanent username by email (secure email).
  • Log in to Teosto’s web service with the permanent username you received, either at or by clicking the E-Services link in the top right-hand corner of this website.
  • Confirm the information you submitted when applying for the licence. By reporting the information, you will receive a refund on the estimated invoice and a correct invoice based on the information you have reported.

Correcting the estimated invoice if you are not the event organiser

  • If you have not organised the event for which you have received an estimated invoice, contact our customer service and we will remove the event from your information and refund the estimated invoice.

Requesting a new username for the web service

If you have not received a web service username, have lost it or the username you have received does not work, contact our customer service. 

General: event information reporting and invoicing

Teosto’s and Gramex’s joint Event Licence entails the obligation to report information about the use of music in the event in Teosto’s web service. The fee for using music at events is based on the method of use (for example whether the music was background music or a live gig) and the actual proceeds from ticket sales or the number of attendees.

After the event, we will send you several emails to remind you to report the event information in Teosto’s web service or ask you to inform us if you have not organised the event for which you have received a reminder.

If you do not respond to the reminders we send you, we will send you an estimated invoice for using music at the event. The invoice amount is based on the estimated ticket price for the event and the assumption that the event (or all the different concerts in a concert tour, for example) have been sold out.

Since the estimated invoice amount is generally significantly higher than the amount based on actual information, due to the above-mentioned calculation method, it is advisable to report the actual information about the event. If you report the information about the events organised by you at the latest 14 days after the event or, for multi-day festivals, at the latest 30 days after the event, you will receive a 3% reporting discount on the fee for using music in the event.