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Liisa Ketomäki appointed CEO of Teosto Cultural Foundation


The recently established Teosto Cultural Foundation has appointed Liisa Ketomäki (MA, MSSc) as its CEO. Ketomäki is an international leader with considerable cultural industry experience who has worked at foundations for a long time. She will transfer to the position from the role of the Managing Director of the Turku Music Festival Foundation.

Anna Baijars, Chair of the Teosto Cultural Foundation’s Board of Trustees, warmly welcomes Liisa Ketomäki as the foundation’s CEO.

“Liisa Ketomäki’s vision, expertise and energy convinced us that she is the right person to lead the cultural foundation. Her excellent connections within both the Finnish and the international music industry, combined with her experience in the field of foundations and financial management, make her an excellent choice for the position.”

Prior to her appointment, Ketomäki worked as the Managing Director of the Turku Music Festival Foundation since 2012. Before that, she worked in, for example, London and Paris as an artist manager. She has also been involved in the organisations of several Finnish music events.

Ketomäki will start in her new role at the beginning of September. She says she is highly motivated to build the new Teosto Cultural Foundation and its activities.

“I am delighted to be able to contribute to the international success of Finnish music and its authors. The foundation will develop funding models and ways of working that will ensure good operating conditions for Finnish music also in the future. I find the role very important and look forward to the start of the work.”

The Teosto Cultural Foundation is a new player in the field of Finnish music culture, and its aim is to increase the value of and appreciation for Finnish creative musical art. Through its activities, the foundation will support both individual work and broader projects, with a focus on supporting the diversity and internationality of music, among other things. The foundation was established by Teosto’s General Meeting in December 2023. Its activities are scheduled to start by the end of 2024.

During the spring, both the foundation’s strategy and the launch of financial support activities were prepared. The first financial support decisions will be made this year.

“We want to create new openings and partnerships, and Liisa’s extensive networks and good connections within society are an excellent starting point for this. Our strategy aims to elevate the talents in our music industry towards breakthrough,” Anna Baijars says.

For further information, please contact:

  • Liisa Ketomäki, tel. +358 (0)40 740 6200,
  • Chair of the Board of Trustees, Anna Baijars, tel. +358 (0)40 584 0061,
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