Survey: AI is already used commonly in the Finnish music industry, but concerns are growing
Teosto’s recent study on the use of AI in the music industry reveals that the increased use and awareness of AI have also brought its threats into sharper focus. The most critical are the young professionals working in the Finnish music industry.
According to a survey conducted by Teosto, those working in the music industry are already quite knowledgeable about AI: 57 percent of respondents reported having a good understanding of AI. However, uncertainty has increased, and music professionals are also much more aware of the threats posed by AI.
“In the previous survey conducted in 2023, music creators were both curious and expectant. Now, various uncertainties and threats have clearly become more apparent, as we know what AI is capable of,” says Vappu Aura, Teosto’s Director of Communications, Marketing, and Public Relations.
The biggest concerns of music professionals are related to their own livelihood. Professionals are worried about the unfair distribution of income from music (88% of respondents), unfair competition created by AI (87%), music plagiarism (85%), and the decrease in income from music (83%).
Four out of five respondents believe that AI has already decreased their income. In the future, incomes are expected to decline further. According to a study commissioned by CISAC, the international umbrella organisation for copyright organisations, up to 24 percent of music creators’ income is at risk by 2028.
How much do the following AI-related threats worry you?
Much / very much, percentage of respondents

AI is a tool in active use
In Finland, music creators use AI more than their European colleagues according to a study made in France and Germany. Of all Finnish music industry professionals, 47 percent have used AI, compared to 35 percent in Europe.
Especially in older age groups, Finnish respondents are significantly more active than their European colleagues. In the 45–54 age group, 51 percent of Finnish music professionals had used AI in some way, and 35 percent of those over 55. The corresponding international figures are 39 and 25 percent.
AI is used for creating melodies, harmonies, and rhythms, as a source of inspiration and for brainstorming, for creating song lyrics, producing new soundscapes and effects, and for finalising the sound quality of songs. In addition to the actual creative work, AI is often used in music marketing.

Young people have the most negative attitude
While usage has increased, the attitude of those working in the music industry towards AI has become more negative. In 2023, as many as 43 percent of respondents were positive about the use of AI in music, but this share has now dropped to 28 percent. Those under 35 were the most ill-disposed, with 75 percent expressing a negative attitude towards the use of AI in music.
More than half of the respondents considered the risks of AI to be greater than the opportunities, while only 14 percent believed the opportunities outweighed the risks. However, Finnish attitudes towards AI are more positive than those of their European colleagues: in the study conducted in France and Germany, 64 percent considered the risks to be greater than the opportunities.
When you consider using AI technologies in music creation generally, what do you think?

“Although attitudes seem to have shifted towards the negative, AI is still seen as having potential for the music industry. Over a third of respondents see opportunities for opening new markets, and nearly three-quarters see opportunities for simplifying their work,” Vappu Aura points out.
The greatest opportunities in AI are seen in enhancing one’s own work. 70 percent of respondents believe that AI can help in creative work by automating various tasks. 68 percent see AI as a good tool for practical tasks.
Respondents were also asked to define their primary music genre. The most positive attitudes towards AI were among representatives of electronic music and rap, hip-hop, and R&B, with about 40 percent having a positive attitude. The most negative attitudes were among professionals in folk music and jazz, with three out of four having a negative attitude towards AI.
Rules need to be established
Finnish music industry players are unanimous that regulation is needed for the AI market. 93 percent want policymakers to pay more attention to the challenges of AI and copyrights and to set clear rules for the use of AI.
94 percent of respondents believe that permission should be sought from copyright holders when their works are used as sources for AI services. Almost as many also believe that AI services should pay a fair compensation to creators when they use human-made music. AI companies are also required to be transparent in their operations and to report accurately on the use of materials.

Establishing rules and agreeing on compensation would also encourage the giving of one’s own music to AI applications. 64 percent of respondents would be willing to allow their music to be used in AI applications for compensation. This share has increased, as in 2023, only 49 percent were willing to do so.
Respondents considered Teosto to be one of the key players influencing the development of AI. They primarily hoped for efforts to defend copyrights and the value of human creativity, as well as influencing legislation. On the other hand, they also hoped for participation in AI-related development and the sharing of information, discussion, and training.
Over a thousand music professionals responded to the survey
The survey was conducted from 11 December 2024 to 12 January 2025 and received responses from a total of 1,108 music industry professionals. Many respondents worked in multiple roles within the music industry: 1,018 identified as composers or lyricists, 900 performed music, and 548 were producers. Additionally, the respondents included representatives of publishers, record companies, and organisations, as well as students. 79 percent of the respondents had over 10 years of experience in the music industry. The survey was conducted by the research firm Vastakaiku Oy.
The detailed survey report will be published later
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