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Teosto Prize awarded to Color Dolor’s Love and Sebastian Hilli’s Snap Music


Teosto Prize 2019 was awarded to Stina Koistinen and Nicolas “Leissi” Rehn’s compositions, lyrics and arrangements on the album Love as well as Sebastian Hilli’s composition Snap Music.

When there are two winners, the prize for each is EUR 20,000. Awarded for the 16th time, the Teosto Prize is one of the most noteworthy art prizes in the Nordic countries.

The jury selected the winners from among nominees set by a preliminary selection panel, comprising last year’s Teosto Prize winners Astrid Swan (jury chairman) and Joona Toivanen, as well as professor Tuija Hakkila-Helasvuo (The Sibelius Academy) and Music Director Jussi Mäntysaari (Nelonen Media’s radios) as members invited by the Teosto management group. 

“It was interesting and rewarding to listen and evaluate the nominees, so different from each other and of varying genres. After a thorough listening process, we were unanimous in that we wanted to award these two works. Even though the winning works have different shapes, we thought they have many similarities as well: both have a collage-like atmosphere and execution, and both works comment our fast-tempo life in their own way,” the jury comments.

The jury characterises the winning works as follows: 

“A delicate weave full of colourful details created by strong compositions and the inherently built-in production. The album lets you inside slowly, and it has found what music is at its best.”

Snap Music
“The professional and strong composition is dramaturgically alive and rough in its power. At times, the work comes close to hip hop and free jazz, and it plays humorously with clichés and turns them to its benefit. Every note is justified.”


 Teosto Prize jury selected the winners from seven nominated works or pieces. The nominees were nominated by a preliminary selection panel consisting of music experts.

In addition to the aforementioned winners, the other candidates were (in alphabetical order of the title of the work):

Odda Áigodat – Solju
Compositions and lyrics by Hilda Länsman and Ulla Pirttijärvi, and arrangements by Samuli Laiho and Teho Majamäki on the album Odda Áigodat.

Taika tapahtuu – Litku Klemetti
Litku Klemetti’s compositions and lyrics on the album Taika tapahtuu (Magic happens).

Tuomas Palonen – Tuomas Palonen
Tuomas Palonen’s compositions and lyrics on the album Tuomas Palonen.

Under the Arching Heavens: A Requiem – Alex Freeman
Alex Freeman’s choral work Under the Arching Heavens: A Requiem for texts by Aleksis Kivi, Viljo Kajava, Edith Södergran, Siegfried Sassoon and Walt Whitman.

Vihapuheita ja rakkauslauluja – Laineen Kasperi
Compositions and arrangements by Kasperi Laine and Pekka Luostarinen, and lyrics by Kasperi Laine on the album Vihapuheita ja rakkauslauluja (Hate speech and love songs).

Over 100 candidates and 29 winners of the Teosto Prize

“The Teosto Prize was founded 16 years ago to promote bold, unique and innovative music in Finland. Including this year, there have been altogether 116 works or work entities as candidates for the prize, out of which 29 have been announced as the winners. The nominees and winners are an excellent cross-section of what a multifaceted and vital music culture we have,” Teosto’s CEO Risto Salminen comments. 

The maximum amount of the prize is 40,000 euros. It has been funded by music authors and publishers and it is awarded to 1–4 musical works or work entities each year. If the prize is awarded for a sole musical work or piece, the prize is worth 25,000 euros. The works may represent any genre, but they must be produced after the previous award season. The prize was first awarded in 2003.

Composition of nomination panel

The nominees for 2019 were selected by a preliminary selection panel, comprising musicians and music reporters Arttu Tolonen (freelance, panel chairman), Amanda Kauranne (Yle) and Tuuli Saksala (Yle), the Pori Jazz Chief Artistic Officer Mikkomatti Aro, music reporter Wilhelm Kvist (HBL), violinist Eriikka Maalismaa and dj Bunuel.

Photo: AJ Savolainen

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